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Google search volume for "xde"

Website results for "xde"

 22 websites found

#710,108 (+17%) -
Title: PawPrint :: web site design and application development using the XDe CMS
Description: CMS based dynamic web application and site development for business and organizations - web design and software development since 1994
#3,677,957 (-5%) -
Title: WPN-XM - A server stack for PHP development on Windows.
Description: WPN-XM is a server stack for PHP development on Windows.
#263,852 (-24%) -
Title: The _khAttAm_ Blog - Sharing Views and Experiences!
Description: I am a linux hobbyist and currently run Debian Squeeze Testing/Unstable as my only operating system. I post my experience with computers and the Internet.

Not available.
#0 (+0%) -
Title: Enter the world of HTML5, CSS3, PHP and all things Web Development | Flynsarmy
Description: Enter the world of HTML5, CSS3, PHP and all things web development
#248,144 (+15%) -
Title: 3v4l - EvAluate your code in our online PHP & HHVM shell (100+ versions)
Description: Not available
#2,694,238 (-32%) -
Title: Welcome - Intelligent HTML, PHP, CSS and JavaScript editor - TSW WebCoder
Description: Not available
#4,293,046 (-47%) -
Title: PHP IDE & Web editor - TSW WebCoder
Description: Not available