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Title: Sam Hurwitz Productions
Description: Not available
Keywords:Production, post-production, creative advertising, production, production company, trailers, gaming, video game, 3D, threeD, 3-D, crew, rental, worldwide, motion graphics, internet marketing, publicity, DVD, DVDs, EPK, EPKs, electronic press kits, behind-the-scenes, making a scene, added bonus materials,
... (View More)
special features, DVD special features, behind the scenes, added bonus features, theatrical marketing, creative content, the making of, broll, interviews, sound bites, documentary production, film, video, audio, documentary, digital, independent, producers, movies, music, entertainment, television production, online production, television, editing, cameras, writing, producing, creative, creativity, media, platforms, webisodes, music videos, videos, marketing, advertising, advertisement, interstitials, featurette, featurettes, online featurettes, video content, series, shows, tv shows, cable shows, tv, cable, tv series, cable series, show, high definition, hd, hd production, high definition production, mob scene, playground media, EMC, EMC West, CMP, Automat, Herzog Cowen, Jamestown, Blue Collar, New Wave, The Cannery, M3, Trailer Park, Ingber, Tom Grane, Thomas Grane, Brian Daily, Mark Herzog, Harley Rinzler(View Less)