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Google search volume for "softpress"

Website results for "softpress"

 4 websites found

#143,084 (-13%) -
Title: Softpress: Powerful, easy to use web design software for Mac OS X
Description: Create standards-compliant websites with our award-winning easy-to-use WYSIWYG Mac web design software. Freeway 5 Pro and Freeway 5 Express are powerful HTML generators developed for professional web designers and home users to make highly-functiona andl
#1,987,291 (-43%) -
Title: MediaDaten universell - Web + Print = CrossMedia
Description: Freelancer im Bereich Erstellung und Überarbeitung grafischer Daten für Web und Print. Ihr jeweiliger Mediendienstleister erhält somit genau die geforderten Daten.
Title: SoftPressRelease
Description: Not available
#237,150 (-25%) -
Title: SoftPressRelease - Distributing hi-tech news
Description: - press-release writing and distribution to computer publications for software and shareware programs