Description: Zudu is about three simple things. [Smartphone] + [Smarthome] = [Smartlife] You don't have to like maths to like what we do! This simple equation delivered at price that is affordable on any budget.
Title: Smart House Condos Toronto - Intriguing, Innovative, Smart living at Queen & University
Description: The official website of Smart House Condos Toronto, an ultra-smart collaboration of location, space and good design at Queen & University.
Title: Smart Home Testberichte und Praxisartikel -
Description: beschäftigt sich mit den neuesten technischen Smart Home Entwicklungen, die uns den Alltag erleichtern – oder komplizierter machen.
Title: Delfi | bygge en smartere verden | Innovasjon | smarthouse city
Description: Delfi is an Innovasjon IT consulting company in Stavanger specializes in providing best operation and data, IT hjelp, drift and Business solution services.