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Title: Jerry's Electric: electrical distribution transformers in substation, padmount and polemount styles
Description: Jerry's Electric remanufactures and repairs oil-filled electrical distribution transformers, including single phase and three phase padmounts, polemounts, switchgear, and regulators. We provide new distribution transformers.
Keywords:transformers, power transformers, electrical distribution transformers, current, high voltage transformers, Jerrys Electric, padmount, polemount, remanufactured transformers, distribution transformers, transformer repair, refurbished, reconditioned transformers, three phase, single phase, switchgear, oil filled switches, PCB, regulators, voltage regulator, PCB analysis, substation, station class transformers, ranch runner, shrub line transformers,
... (View More)
bushings, dry type, used transformers, kva rating, reclosures, oil filled transformers, lightning arrestors, vacuum chamber, circuit breakers, voltage taps, tap changer, undercoating, rewind, line voltage, live front radial feed transformers, dead front loop feed, surplus transformers, rebuilt, rewound transformers, over head, underground transformers, transformer rental, leasing, decommissioned transformers, Colman, South Dakota(View Less)