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Google search volume for "istekhara"

Website results for "istekhara"

 2 websites found

#0 (0%) -
Title: Syed Ali Raza Shah - - Istikhara, Astrology
Description: Healer - Astrologer- +92-333-9999569
#2,648,677 (0%) -
Title: Istikhara Dua | Istikhara Prayer | Salatul Istikhara Dua | Salat Istikhara Dua | Dua e Istikhara
Description: Istikhara Dua is a supplication to Allah swt asking what is best and appropriate for us. Istikhara prayer benefits us in making the right choice. Muslims perform Salatul Istikhara Dua to Allah swt for guidance.