Title: James Gunn - Official Website for James Gunn
Description: The official website for James Gunn, writer/director of Slither, writer of 2004's Dawn of the Dead, The Specials, Tromeo and Juliet, The Scooby-Doo movies, the internet series PG-Porn and the novel The Toy Collector.
Description: GlobalGayz is a gay-owned charitable travel and culture website focused on les-bi-gay-trans life in countries around the world. It is based on actual visits to far and near countries. Presented here are Stories, Links, News Reports and Photo Galleries fo
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie is not really stalking anyone right now, but she is currently living under a bed, so... Maybe I could work on making something of my life... The Insane Confusing Plot So...