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Title: Urban Development Scientific Publishing
Description: Urban Development Scientific Publishing Pet. Ltd. (UDS Publishing) was founded in Singapore in 2017. With Branch Office located in Beijing, UDS publishing provides an international, pluralistic and globally viewpoint to focus on all related topics among
Keywords:UDS, UDS publishing, Urban Development Scientific Publishing, Singapore Publishing houses, journal, Journal of smart cities, Applied Environmental Biotechnology, Journal of Sustainable Urbanization, World Construction, Advances in Material Science, International Journal of Geology, 市政工程, 节能环保, 结构建筑, 园林景观, 期刊投稿, 英文期刊, 论文发表, publication, 应用环境生物技术, 城市发展科学出版社, 智慧城市, 世界建筑, 可持续发展与进程, 国际地质学,
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