Description: CCD astronomy images of galaxies, nebulae, planets and star clusters. Includes educational information about each of the celestial objects with links for further research.
Title: Astropolis, cité astronomique - initiation à l'astronomie
Description: Astropolis comprend plein d'articles portant sur lastronomie : système solaire, histoire de l'univers, objets du ciel profond, les télescopes, biographies des grands astronomes, interviews ...
Description: is for anyone who wants to learn more about astronomy events, cosmology, planets, galaxies, asteroids, astrophotography, the Big Bang, black holes, comets, constellations, eclipses, exoplanets, nebulae, meteors, quasars, observing, telescopes,
Description: Stargazing Network provide free Web page hosting for the Amateur Astronomy Community. Stargazing Network is sponsored by Cetus Technology at
Description: Web sobre Astronomía con secciones sobre las constelaciones, el catálogo Messier, fotos del Universo, foros, el Sistema Solar y todo lo relacionado con esta ciencia.