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Google search volume for "initiative"

Website results for "initiative"

 247 websites found

#2,920,479 (-22%) -
Title: À l’Île d’Yeu : vacances à l’ile d’yeu en location saisonnière - Ile d’Yeu : www.vacances-de-reve
Description: Location de la villa meublée « La F’nouil » avec un emplacement idéal : à 30 mètres de la plage de Ker Chalon, le must pour des vacances réussies à l’Ile d’Yeu. Ce splendide hébergement peut accueillir jusqu’à 12 pe
#100,234 (+3%) -
Title: - FRONT - SVP plant Angriff auf Personenfreizügigkeit
Description: Bern - Die SVP will im Wahljahr eine Initiative zur Begrenzung der Zuwanderung lancieren. Am Montag hat sie die Eckwerte präsentiert. Fest steht, dass eine Annahme der Initiative dem Personenfreizügigkeitsabkommen mit der EU widerspräche.

Not available.
#6,617,831 (-69%) -
Title: Global Health Progress
Description: The Global Health Progress initiative seeks to bring research-based biopharmaceutical companies and global health leaders together to improve health in the developing world.
Title: Facts about Germany: Home
Description: The website Facts about Germany invites you to get to know Germany. It offers profound basic knowledge and guidance – especially designed for readers abroad whose interest in the course of time in Germany extends beyond the casual flood of the daily ne
#243,442 (+11%) -
Title: Mehr Demokratie e.V.: Startseite
Description: Website der Buergeraktion Mehr Demokratie e.V. fuer Volksentscheide auf allen politischen Ebenen. Aktuelle Informationen, Argumente und Hintergruende zur direkten Demokratie.
#7,870,081 (-30%) -
Title: Startseite - Initiative Mittelstand
Description: Die Initiative Mittelstand. IT-Lösungen einfach auf den Punkt gebracht.
#3,687,675 (-80%) -
Title: Young Achievers Awards Uganda - Rewarding Innovation and Excellence
Description: The Young Achievers Award is an initiative designed to create a platform for harnessing talent, show case excellence and innovation among Ugandan citizens aged between 18 and 35 years, and equally inspire others to get involved and pursue their dreams.
#462,749 (-13%) -
Title: DVB - Digital Video Broadcasting - Home
Description: Works to develop, set and promote technical guidelines, standards and specifications to benefit and advance digital media markets world-wide. Membership covers TV broadcasters, network operators, governing bodies, software developers and manufacturers