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Google search volume for "adolescence"

Website results for "adolescence"

 71 websites found

#15,364 (-27%) -
Title: Habbo: Crée ton avatar, décore ton appart, chatte et fais-toi plein d'amis.
Description: Habbo Hotel - fais-toi plein d’amis, deviens célèbre! Séjourne GRATUITEMENT dans le plus grand hôtel virtuel au monde! Crée ton avatar pour jouer et faire de nouvelles rencontres…

Not available.
#268,214 (-38%) -
Title: Estronaut: Boldly Exploring Women's Health
Description: Women's health concerns, including sex, pregnancy, birth control, menstruation, menopause, weight control, cancer, fitness, diseases, psychological issues, and healthcare. Advice from women's health professionals.

Not available.
#3,381,349 (+53%) -
Title: Pediatrics, Pediatric, Paediatrics, Paediatric, General Pediatrics, Pediatric Education, Paediatric Education: GeneralPediatric
Description: The General Pediatrician's View of the Internet(tm)

Not available.
#16,512,553 (-10%) -
Title: Adolescent Sexuality: Teenagers Sexuality Guide :: Free Teens Sex Guide.
Description: Free Teens Sex Guide.
#1,097,124 (+58%) -
Title: Parenting Source for Tweens, Pre-teens, Middle School Kids Ages 10-14: Friendships,Internet, Technology, Safet
Description: Tween Parent - the parenting resource for the pre-teen years. Helping parents understand their adolescent's life including friendships, internet, homework, sports, cool stuff and more.
#308,171 (+3%) -
Title: Psychologie, �ducation & enseignement sp�cialis�
#438,950 (+22%) -
Title: Home
Description: Dr. James Dobson provides sound biblical advice on Christian marriages, families and parenting through the ministry of Family Talk's radio program with co-host Ryan Dobson and LuAnne Crane. Family Talk also provides monthly newsletters and resources
#8,759,585 (0%) -
Title: BobbaFun : Cr�e ton avatar, d�core ton appart, chatte et fais-toi plein d'amis.

Not available.
#1,053,268 (+35%) -
Title: my health news
Description: Κάνε κλικ για την Υγεία σου! Συνεχής Έγκαιρη και Έγκυρη Ενημέρωση για Θέματα Υγείας Click for your health! Always timely and accurate health information