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Title: HKISAC 2017 - The Good Earth
Description: International Students' Visual Arts Contest-cum-Exhibition of Hong Kong aims to stimulate students' creativity through creation in visual arts, foster international art and cultural exchange, and enable adults/leaders in various regions/countries to have
Keywords:HKISAC, International Students Visual Arts Contest-cum, Arts Education Section of the Education Bureau, Art Promotion Office of the Leisure and Cultura, Art Competition, Hong Kong Grand Prize, Honourable Mention, Certificates of Merit, Special Prize, 香港國際學生視覺藝術比賽暨展覽, 教育局藝術教育組, 康樂及文化事務署藝術推廣辦事處, 視覺藝術比賽, 香港大獎, 優異獎, 嘉許狀, 特別獎